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WilClad Intelligent Multi Torch Control Software 

IMTC software giving so many advantage to user. Can see all axes position and torque real time, can see all torch visual on the screen. 

With IMTC software user can prepare 3 different welding signal shape. They are square wave, sinisoidal wave and tangentional wave. All wave shape can see on screen and can give phase difference between two power source. Can set cycle time high current, base current and ramb. Can set all other welding parameters with IMTC. User can prepare unlimited WPS.

WIth IMTC during welding time  can see real time Voltage, real time current, real time hotwire current and welding visual on the screen. Also user can change during welding time Voltage, Current, AVC speed, AVC acceleration, Hotwire Current, Wire feed speed and rotator speed.  

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